TBD Art Exhibit: Olive Stew

Olive Stew First Friday Art Exhbit at the tbd design firm Loft
June - July 2011

When you mouth the "Olive Stew," it looks like you are saying, "I Love you."

Try it.

This happened to me once. I boy I like in middle schoool looked at me and mouthed, "Olive Stew." and it broke my heart when he explained the joke.

Such is an appropraite title for the various ways we struggle to find, be in and understand love. So let's dive in.

I asked a handful of writers, photgraphers, illustators to adderss how the struggle to find love and belonging plays into their lives. They responded in their own way, each telling a unique story about their triumphs and failures. From missed connection to praying after sex our stories are true accounts of the experiences we face.

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